Waves, MLIA, Christmas, and something else

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hi all,

Well, I have been busy the last month.  To my eternal shame, I haven't posted in forever.  So, let's get some stuff out of the way, shall we?

First, although the star thing was cool, it was time to get a different background.  I hope that you enjoy this holiday cheer background.  Overall, it is much nicer and much more inviting, I confess.

As for my news, I have reached a new level of nerdiness!  I now hold in my dirty little hands an invite to Google wave.  And, surprise of all surprises, I even have an idea of what I want to do with it!  We hope to go to Spain this next year with our good friends, and it seems that Google wave would be an excellent way to plan everything.  To be honest, other than that I haven't been able to think up anything, but I'll get back to you on that.  Feel free to throw me a wave at danielknielsen at googlewave.com.  Or, if you want an invite, let me know.  I have a few left.

In other computer nerdiness, I saw a post the other day about how to download almost all of the National Geographic wallpapers without manually going though and clicking on each of them.  So, I now have an awesome screensaver and desktop.  I think I managed to get around 400 of them - not too shabby, I say.  You can be jealous.

Speaking of awesome things, I usually don't make impulse buys.  But I saw this shirt online and I couldn't but help get it for Laura.  It still makes me laugh when I think about it.  Here, for your viewing pleasure:

The name of this work of art is "imposter."  She's a hottie when she wears it.

Let's see, as this seems to be a computer oriented post, I also want to throw in a plug for an awesome new website that I happened to stumble upon.  I would be lying if I said that I believed everything on there, but I would also be lying if I said that I don't laugh a lot everytime I read it.  Someday I will find something that will make it onto that website.  I mean, my life is pretty average, right?

Well, Merry Christmas!  I'll finish up another post in a few days.  I still need to talk about:

-Lab Success (R) (most important)
-Mp3 explosion
-why Laura is awesome
       -sexy lady comment
